Since the dawn of man, there has been a group of human beings that have emerged and impinged on the rights of others. In Ancient Egypt, they are seen chiseled into stone, the fat classes being waited on and fed by the thin people they had enslaved. This is not to suggest, however, that these people were ever admired for their fat, as even in ancient times it was regarded as unattractive and understood as a poor condition of health. Yet fat was still common among the upper classes and those who had access to excessive food; some of these fat people believe it was their “destiny” to be fat, citing family histories or the struggle of changing personal habits; others simply combat those who attempt to discuss the health and sociological benefits of working to decrease their weight claiming “big is beautiful”.
This past week, social media has been abuzz with articles about “fat acceptance” and the notion that being fat is a “civil rights movement.” A lot of it seemed to stem from a Thought Catalogue titled “Things I don’t Understand About The Fat Acceptance Movement“. It is shocking that people are claiming a “right” to be fat, and appalling that the notion is being purported as a civil rights issue. A half decade ago, there was a Showtime program titled “How to Look Good Naked,” which lined women with over-extending stomaches and stretch marks up and urged them to “embrace those jelly rolls!” Encouraging self-confidence is admirable; such being said, allowing the fat epidemic and their devious agenda to grow alongside its membership and tolerance does nothing but negatively impact the liberties of other human beings, culture, health, and taxpayer expenses.
1. Fat is not a civil right.
Civil rights are instilled to protect an individuals’ freedom, ensuring their political and social equality and their physical and mental integrity. Civil rights are granted to protect those of certain unearned advantages or disadvantages: class, sexual orientation, religion, education, gender identity, age, and physical ability. The true irony of claiming that obesity is a civil right, or that being thin is a “privilege“, is the fact that those who are fat do not seem to realize that they are impinging on other peoples equalities on a regular basis. People who are well-excersized and healthy are penalized by the growing problem of obesity; on airplanes or crowded movie theaters, we lose our armrests, and at times 1/3 of our seats, sacrificing our own comfort for the privileged fat; clothing retailers are persecuted and sued when they choose not to waste two times the fabric and stitching to create ‘plus-sized’ outfits, which are then not purchased by the fat class, and end up being the only items left on sale for the fit to purchase; employers who hire the fat have to tolerate lower productivity; and, our personal healthcare plans and taxes skyrocket in price to keep up with the fat and their medical needs, which leads me to my next point.
2. Fat is expensive.
Fat is not a luxury we should be supporting. A study published in the journal Heath Affairs found that obesity currently accounts for 9.1% of all medical spending – $147 billion in 2008 . In Japan, where a mere 3.5% of the population is fat, the government passed the “metabo law” in 2008; men must maintain a waistline at or below 33.5 inches and 35.4 inches for women. Those who fail to meet these criteria are required to attend concealing sessions and, should targets not be met, they are fined. The tobacco tax levied on smokers in in 2009 not only decreased the number of smokers in America by three million, but also boosted federal revenue by thirty billion. If people who use tobacco products are fined in an attempt to curb tobacco usage and the related health expenses, then shouldn’t the fat be taxed more ‘heavily’ than fit people to curb their unhealthy habits and subsequent health expenses?
3. Fat is contagious.
Out of the seven fattest countries in the world, six of those countries are English-speaking; more than 30% of the population of English-speaking countries medically qualifies as obese. It comes as little surprise that such a large population of fat people would be quick to defend their lifestyle choices. Being countries that speak the same language, it is easy for the fat agenda to spread from English-speaking continent to English-speaking continent. Much the same as when the Free Masons decreased in public influence and, subsequently, opened up their membership requirements, the fat class has opened up their roster through media programs, books, and lectures that proclaim obesity is attractive, normal, and understandable. Should steps not be taken, both socially and politically, to curb this growing population then our children will grow up thinking that there is nothing wrong with obesity. They will believe that “curvaceous” and other buzz words that represent excessive folds of skin can translate to sex appeal, which they do not.
4. Fat is abusive.
The rise in childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. With the fat classes indoctrinating their children into the devious movement, they are are poisoning future generations with unhealthy food, increased portion sizes, excessively sugary beverages, and a lack of exercise. Because of this, children are at a heightened risk of contracting disease and spreading it to those who attempt to remain healthy; this can be seen as not only abuse perpetuated against the children brainwashed into the movement but also the healthy children around them.
5. Fat is unhealthy.
The absurdity of people currently proclaiming that it is possible to be both fat and maintain good heath need to do more research. People who are fat have a much greater chance of developing diabetes, heart diseases, vascular diseases, hypertension, high glucose/cholesterol, various cancers, stroke, liver and Gallbladder disease, sleep apnea and respiratory problems, osteoarthritis, gynecological issues, and mental health issues. With the plethora of studies that exist, it is shocking that fat acceptance movements are expanding at the rate that they are.
6. Fat does not need to unionize, it needs to exercise.
I say we end this absurd sensitivity that our country has developed around obesity and it’s proponents. Being fat is not a permanent handicap that has to be tip-toed around; if somebody is missing a leg then that is a permanent handicap, if somebody looks like ten normal-sized legs could fit into their two, that is neglect. If someone is fat, tell them. They are not ‘curvaceous,’ they are unhealthy. They will die sooner. Addressing the issue of obesity rather than prompting movements of “acceptance” will do society much better then being touchy about the issue. This is an epidemic, an epidemic that is infringing on the rights of other citizens taxes, seating comfort, medical costs, and even negatively impacting our air quality with increased carbon emissions.
I used to be obese, it took me 5 months to loose 80lbs, I am never looking back. I didn’t even know I was fat, it took a loved one to actually tell me that I needed to do something about it. It is possible for everyone to loose weight. The only acceptance obese people need is to accept the fact they need to change. Life is so much better at a healthy weight!
you mean thicc
Love the article. The FA and HAES movements have been getting out of control. They have a huge impact on sites like Tumblr — which is mainly populated by t(w)eens and young adults. As we all know, this is an extremely vulnerable group, as evidenced by the amount of young girls showcasing their obese bodies with texts like, “obesity? More like oCUTEsity” and whatnot.
People need to be educated about the risks of obesity (and how to critically evaluate articles and studies. Sites like “This is Thin Privilege” and “Dances with Fat” link to books, blogs, and “studies” to prove their point, but often those points can be negated by reading through what they say closely enough. For example, they like pulling up a study from the 50s about diets failing 95% of the times to prove that not everyone can keep off weight — completely ignoring that lifestyle changes are not the same as a diet, the study itself is outdated, and the researcher behind it basically said it wasn’t accurate), and about proper nutrition.
Great article! These fat acceptance people are delusional. Your body is a reflection of your mind. If you’re so weak willed that you can’t stop stuffing your face for the sake of your health and quality of life/attractiveness, then how capable of a person can you really be? Either way, being a fit person in America feels good, the looks of jealousy I get from people everyday are amusing.
To quote Bukowski, “find what you love, and let it kill you.”
Michael Alig
Sound like a whole lotta nuthin coming for your, over-saturated, fat head!
And yet it is not as cut-and-dried as one might think
Gregory Smith
Actually, it is. In some States you can’t fire or not hire people for being overweight. The exception are jobs that require looks, such as theater and movies.
AIDS is expensive, tattoos are expensive, physical therapy for the jocks you love is expensive, sex changes are expensive, lots of things are expensive. Actually, fat is cheap. You don’t have to pay a personal trainer $65 a session to stay fat .
No, being called a “disgusting fat pig” by your father is abusive. Fat isn’t abusive, unless they’re sitting on you.
No, herpes, gonorreah, chlamydia, syphilis, ebola, AIDS, are contagious. Fat is just a lifestyle choice or biological condition, take your pick. Besides, you’re not skinny because you exercise, you were born skinny and stay skinny thanks to fast metabolism, lucky you.
Right, and gays need to stop being gay and try heterosexuality. You like being respected? Try respecting others. You like eating pu$$y? Well, I don’t like exercising. So why don’t you mind your own business?
Being overweight is a privilege and a luxury. If you had to hunt, or fish or grow your own food you would not be obese. Obesity comes from a consistent excess of caloric intake. When you eat more than your body requires on regular basis it stores it as far. Plain and simple. And if you knowingly do it all the time it’s called gluttony. I understand some people over eat as a coping mechanism. But that’s my point it’s coming from an unhealthy place. I don’t agree with shaming people for being overweight. I also don’t agree with trying to normalize an unhealthy behavior. If you wan to be overweight and have a poorer quality of life go for it, but stop trying to make the world conform to your weakness so you can feel better about yourself.